Amiga Flame - News - AmiWest Show To Bring Major New Announcement

AmiWest Show To Bring Major New Announcement


The AmiWest show to be held on the West Coast of the US could hold valuable information to the future of the Amiga, a major announcement is expected.

The entire management team of Amiga Inc which includes Managing Director Jeff Schindler, Hardware Engineer Joe Torre, User Group & Events Coordinator Darreck Lisle, Operations Manager, Marilyn Flint and new members Dr. Allan Havemose, Software Development; Bill McEwen, Sales and Marketing; and Fleecy Moss, Project Management. A keynote speech will be made by Jeff Schindler at the Saturday night banquet bringing the latest news on the future direction of the Amiga.

According to Amiga Inc this is what the New Amiga could look like. Pretty Neat.
The show will be held between the 11th and 12th of July with many companies expecting to attend along with there being a series of seminars and developer sessions. If your thinking about attending what is looking to be a very interesting Show then go to their web site for the full details.

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